Friday, September 27, 2013

Playin' Family Jams for the fun of it!!!

Dusty Rockers are jamming at family gatherings. We have a new musician with a new instrument that is making things interesting... WE FINALLY HAVE A DRUMMER... YEAH!!!

We are still in the process of 'locking in' with Harold the Drummer and it is happening slowly but surely.

Our next and probably last jam of the season will be October 19 in the big town of Medford, Minnesota. Here is an old photo to honor those who have gone and days and nights of good music and good friends. Good times were had with Monte Gallea and Jim Beck, miss ya bunches!

While it is good to remember those who have gone before with affection, it is never good to dwell in the past. I will be doing my level best to post pictures from the upcoming jam. There are not only new friends but new family members who I am looking forward to sharing with you all.

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